The PC-SIG Library 9
The PC-SIG Library on CD ROM - Ninth Edition.iso
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RosettaSYSTEMs BEST-PLAN SYSTEM diskette 06-01-1988
BP .BAT 128 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN main MENU command file
BP-BUG .EXE 13729 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN mailbug/new version program
BP-EDT .EXE 26177 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN Full Screen EDITOR
BP-ORG .EXE 17825 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN Database Re-organization
BP-PS1 .EXE 20593 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN Optimization Pass 1 datainput
BP-PS2 .EXE 27745 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN Optimization Pass 2 matrixGEN
BP-PS3 .EXE 33393 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN Optimization Pass 3 LP
BP-PS4 .EXE 23329 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN Optimization Pass 4 solution
BP-PSX .EXE 13889 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN Optimization DIFile input
BP-RPT .EXE 22849 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN Report/Display Writer
BP-SSV .EXE 30945 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN Save Solution in database
BP-STR .EXE 35217 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN Main MENU dispatcher
BP-UTL .EXE 36897 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN Utility MENU dispatcher
CONTINUE.BAT 75 01Jun88 12:00 ....command file to continue
MODIFY0 .BAT 256 01Jun88 12:00 Command file for USER Editor(WordSTAR)
TEST .BAT 128 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN Utility MENU command file
RosettaSYSTEMs BEST-PLAN UTILITY diskette 06-01-1988
BP-COM .EXE 69454 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN Common executable
BP-ENV .COM 6144 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN Environment Configuration
BP-ENV .CON 3520 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN Environment Configuration
BP-PD2 .EXE 28193 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN Optimization Pass 2 d.p.
BP-PD3 .EXE 34161 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN Optimization Pass 3 d.p.
BP-SYS .EXE 18497 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN Application dispatcher
CONFIG .SYS 128 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN config.sys parameter file
DOC .EXE 5265 01Jun88 12:00 Program to create DOC, from Tutorials
LISTME 17155 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN Bill of Material List
README 2432 01Jun88 12:00 Readme FILE for instructions
...NOTE: see SETUP section in SAMPLEs MANUAL 06-01-1988
ROSETTA SYSTEMS appreciates your interest in our product called
BEST-PLAN. BEST-PLAN is a mathematical modeling package which
simplifys analysis by having a build-in modeling language, a
report writer and multiple analyses "what-if" capability thru
a build-in database management system.
The system is relatively large, sixteen (16) programs supplied
in three (3) DISKettes. The files of importance are:
LISTME contains installation instructions and
the bill of materials.
DOC.exe as well as Documentation generator using
the supplied TUTORIAL files. Uses LPT1:
The files PD2.EXE and PD3.EXE are the double precision
versions of: BP-PS2.EXE and BP-PS3.EXE respectively.
The files BP-ENV.COM and CONFIG.SYS are necessary for
SYSTEM BOOTstrap (alt-ctl-del). Create a DOS SYSTEM DISKette
and copy the mentioned files unto it. This DOS SYSTEM
DISKette must use to START-UP BEST-PLAN.
Install DOS 2.0, 2.1 or 3.0, 3.1 into the new BOOTSTRAP
DISKette using IBM-DOS utility FORMAT.COM(i.e. FORMAT A:/S).
Copy unto this DISKette the DOS COMMAND.COM file and BEST-PLAN's
CONFIG.SYS and BP-ENV.COM. BEST-PLAN will not work with DOS 1.0
The CONFIG.sys file contains: DEVICE=BP-ENV.COM /B=2
B= buffer for the sparse matrix. (4K each)
BOOTSTRAP the SYSTEM (alt-ctl-del) with the newly created
For Installation: CREATE a sub-directory to contain BEST-PLAN,
i.e. BPLAN. Create two(2) sub-directories within BPLAN, i.e.
DATA and HELP. Copy contents of the demonstration data disk,
contents of A:DATA to C:DATA and A:HELP to C:HELP, respectively.
Copy the contents of the two(2) SYSTEM diskettes into the main
directory BPLAN. BP.bat will run it!!, HAVE FUN.
RosettaSYSTEMs BEST-PLAN DATA diskette 06-01-1988
DATA <DIR> 08Apr88 10:00 BEST-PLAN distribution Demo DATA
HELP <DIR> 08Apr88 10:03 BEST-PLAN distribution TUTORIAL files
...NOTE: see SETUP section in SAMPLEs MANUAL 06-01-1988
This DISKette is FULL, please try to backup some files to
allow full operation of the DEMONSTRATION package. The
section SETUP in the SAMPLEs MANUAL discusses your options.
For Installation: CREATE a sub-directory to contain BEST-PLAN,
i.e. BPLAN. Create two(2) sub-directories within BPLAN, i.e.
DATA and HELP. Copy contents of the demonstration data disk,
contents of A:DATA to C:DATA and A:HELP to C:HELP, respectively.
RosettaSYSTEMs BEST-PLAN DEMO DATA files 06-01-1988
BP-DEF .F00 1664 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN default template.f00
BP-TBL 1536 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN Application dispatcher(DEMO)
P1901 .DBS 4960 01Jun88 12:00 DEMO1 -Shipping/distribution DATABASE
P1901 .F00 1461 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO1. template.00 report
P1901 .F01 1595 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO1. template.01 report
P1901-01.IN 2007 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO1. inputDATA master PLAN
P1901-02.IN 370 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO1. inputDATA scenario 2
P1901-03.IN 384 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO1. inputDATA scenario 3
P1901D04.DIF 1408 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO1. inputDATA DIFile scenario 4
P1902 .DBS 4960 01Jun88 12:00 DEMO2 -Diet/Blend sample DATABASE
P1902 .F00 1792 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO2. template.00 report
P1902-01.IN 1922 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO2. inputDATA master PLAN
P1902-02.IN 812 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO2. inputDATA scenario 2
P1903 .DBS 4960 01Jun88 12:00 DEMO3 -Multi-period schedule DATABASE
P1903 .F00 1664 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO3. template.00 report
P1903-01.IN 1655 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO3. inputDATA master PLAN
P1903-02.IN 760 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO3. inputDATA scenario 2
P1982 .DBS 6336 01Jun88 12:00 DEMO4 -Material Allocation DATABASE
P1982 .F00 1536 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO4. template.00 report
P1982 .F01 3072 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO4. template.01 report
P1982-01.IN 7704 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO4. inputDATA master PLAN
P1982-02.IN 397 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO4. inputDATA scenario 2
P1983 .DBS 6304 01Jun88 12:00 DEMO5 -Energy Planning SystemDATABASE
P1983 .F00 1664 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO5. template.00 report
P1983 .F01 1536 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO5. template.01 report
RosettaSYSTEMs BEST-PLAN DEMO DATA files 06-01-1988
P1983-01.IN 3852 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO5. inputDATA master PLAN
P1983-02.IN 730 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO5. inputDATA scenario 2
P1984 .DBS 13056 01Jun88 12:00 DEMO6 -Production Planning DATABASE
P1984 .F00 1664 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO6. template.00 report
P1984 .F01 2048 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO6. template.01 report
P1984 .F02 1920 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO6. template.02 report
P1984 .F03 2560 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO6. template.03 report
P1984-01.IN 5623 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO6. inputDATA master PLAN
P1984-02.IN 514 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO6. inputDATA scenario 2
P1984-03.IN 905 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO6. inputDATA scenario 3
P1984-04.IN 1160 01Jun88 12:00 ....DEMO6. inputDATA scenario 4
RosettaSYSTEMs BEST-PLAN TUTORIAL files 06-01-1988
#BLANK 497 01Jun88 12:00 Tutorial default screen blank message
#EDIT 512 01Jun88 12:00 Tutorial LIST for Full Screen EDITOR
#EDIT0 .2 4352 01Jun88 12:00 ....EDITOR tutorials table of contents
#EDIT0 .3 4864 01Jun88 12:00 ....EDITOR editing KEYS
#EDIT0 .4 4096 01Jun88 12:00 ....EDITOR special editing commands
#EDIT4 .2 4480 01Jun88 12:00 PLANNING Resources/processes/activities
#EDIT4 .3 2432 01Jun88 12:00 PLANNING Relationship resources-processe
#EDIT4 .4 6016 01Jun88 12:00 PLANNING PRICE/COST and LIMITs
#EDIT5 .2 4608 01Jun88 12:00 PLANNING FIX /VARIABLE relational data
#EDIT5 .3 3584 01Jun88 12:00 PLANNING POOL/ DISTRIBUTE data
#EDIT5 .4 3712 01Jun88 12:00 PLANNING APPLY/XFERcost data
#EDIT6 .2 2432 01Jun88 12:00 PLANNING INCLUDE,REMOVE/TABLE data
#EDIT6 .3 3456 01Jun88 12:00 PLANNING TABLE data setup samples
#EDIT6 .4 2048 01Jun88 12:00 PLANNING sample for Distribution problem
#EDIT7 .2 5120 01Jun88 12:00 PLANNING Summary STEP-STEP Method
#EDIT7 .3 3328 01Jun88 12:00 PLANNING Summary data statement SYNTAX
#EDIT8 .2 3328 01Jun88 12:00 PLANNING Equation Method variables, etc.
#EDIT8 .3 2560 01Jun88 12:00 PLANNING Equation Method objectives
#EDIT8 .4 4352 01Jun88 12:00 PLANNING sample for Diet/Blend problem
#KEYBD 1792 01Jun88 12:00 Tutorial BEST-PLAN Keyboard utilization
#MENU 512 01Jun88 12:00 Tutorial LIST for Main MENU dispatcher
#MENU0 .1 1536 01Jun88 12:00 ....Main MENU dispatcher Summary
#MENU0 .2 2048 01Jun88 12:00 ....Main MENU dispatcher description
#MENU0 .4 1408 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN system FLOW Diagram
#MENU1 .1 2048 01Jun88 12:00 Main MENU select1. report/display
#MENU1 .2 1280 01Jun88 12:00 Report/Display template filenames
#MENU1 .3 1664 01Jun88 12:00 ....sample Report/Display template
#MENU2 .1 2560 01Jun88 12:00 Main MENU select2. List/EDIT inputDATA
#MENU2 .2 1664 01Jun88 12:00 ....sample inputDATA for a master PLAN
#MENU2 .3 512 01Jun88 12:00 ....sample inputDATA for a scenario
#MENU3 .1 4480 01Jun88 12:00 Main MENU select3. Optimization
#MENU3 .2 1152 01Jun88 12:00 ....select3. sample inputDATA ErrorLIST
RosettaSYSTEMs BEST-PLAN TUTORIAL files 06-01-1988
#MENU3 .3 2048 01Jun88 12:00 ....select3. sample RAW Solution LIST
#MENU3 .4 2176 01Jun88 12:00 ....select3. sample MATRIX equation LIST
#MENU4 .1 2176 01Jun88 12:00 Main MENU select4. Save SOLUTION
#MENU4 .3 1280 01Jun88 12:00 ....sample DIFile inputDATA LAYOUT
#MENU5 .1 1152 01Jun88 12:00 Main MENU select5. Change Scenario
#MENU5 .2 1664 01Jun88 12:00 ....select5. sample scenario report
#MENU6 .1 1152 01Jun88 12:00 Main MENU select6. Make scenario as PLAN
#MENU7 .1 2048 01Jun88 12:00 Main MENU select7. List/EDITreport templ
#MENU7 .2 4352 01Jun88 12:00 ReportWriter SUMMARY Description
#MENU7 .3 5504 01Jun88 12:00 ReportWriter RULES for Creating Template
#MENU7 .4 6400 01Jun88 12:00 ReportWriter special editing/computation
#MENU8 .1 640 01Jun88 12:00 Main MENU select8. Exit to DOS
#MENU9 .1 3328 01Jun88 12:00 Main MENU select9. External Linkages
#MENU9 .2 2432 01Jun88 12:00 ....sample DIFile outputDATA LAYOUT
#MENU9 .3 2176 01Jun88 12:00 DIFile InputDATA SUMMARY description
#MENU9 .4 2304 01Jun88 12:00 DIFile OutputDATA SUMMARY description
#SYSM 384 01Jun88 12:00 Tutorial LIST for Application dispatcher
#SYSM0 .1 1280 01Jun88 12:00 BP-TBL Application dispatcher LAYOUT
#SYSM0 .2 1920 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN DEMO Disk default settings
#SYSM1 .1 2560 01Jun88 12:00 DEMO1. Shipping-Distribution Problem
#SYSM1 .2 1536 01Jun88 12:00 ....sample DEMO1. data/ Equation method
#SYSM1 .3 2816 01Jun88 12:00 ....sample DEMO1. data/ STEP-STEP method
#SYSM2 .1 2048 01Jun88 12:00 DEMO2. Diet/Blend Problem
#SYSM3 .1 2560 01Jun88 12:00 DEMO3. Multi-Period Scheduling Problem
#SYSM4 .1 3072 01Jun88 12:00 DEMO4. Raw Materials Allocation Problem
#SYSM4 .2 896 01Jun88 12:00 ....sample DEMO4. analysis Summary
#SYSM4 .3 2432 01Jun88 12:00 ....sample DEMO4. DATA Table LAYOUT1
#SYSM4 .4 1792 01Jun88 12:00 ....sample DEMO4. DATA TAble LAYOUT2
#SYSM5 .1 2304 01Jun88 12:00 DEMO5. Energy Planning System
#SYSM5 .2 896 01Jun88 12:00 ....sample DEMO5. boiler description
#SYSM5 .3 1024 01Jun88 12:00 ....sample DEMO5. turbine description
#SYSM6 .1 2560 01Jun88 12:00 DEMO6. Production Planning MODEL
#SYSM6 .2 1152 01Jun88 12:00 ....sample DEMO6. plant#1 operations
#SYSM6 .3 1152 01Jun88 12:00 ....sample DEMO6. plant#2 operations
#SYSM6 .4 1024 01Jun88 12:00 ....sample DEMO6. Inventory conditions
#TUNE 9472 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN music (WilliamTell Overtune)
#UTLT 384 01Jun88 12:00 Tutorial LIST for Utility MENU
#UTLT0 .1 1280 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN Utility MENU LAYOUT
#UTLT0 .2 1152 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN TEST.bat description
#UTLT1 .1 2432 01Jun88 12:00 Utility select1. Color settings
#UTLT2 .1 3200 01Jun88 12:00 Utility select2. Disk PATHnames
#UTLT3 .1 3456 01Jun88 12:00 Utility select3. Optimization constants
#UTLT3 .2 2688 01Jun88 12:00 ...LAYOUT of Optimization ReportControl
#UTLT3 .3 4224 01Jun88 12:00 ...LAYOUT of Optimization TraceControl
#UTLT3 .4 2176 01Jun88 12:00 DIFile IN/OUT parameter description
#UTLT4 .1 1792 01Jun88 12:00 DATAEntry SYNTAX Definition SUMMARY
#UTLT5 .1 2048 01Jun88 12:00 DATAEntry ERROR Messages SUMMARY
#UTLT8 .1 2176 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN SYSTEM, Other Considerations
#UTLT9 .1 5376 01Jun88 12:00 BEST-PLAN Re-Organization/SINGLE-STEP
RosettaSYSTEMs BEST-PLAN TUTORIAL files 06-01-1988